Sunday, February 22, 2009

Offer: Become a Networlding Certified Facilitator

Becoming a Networlding Certified Facilitator

Becoming a certified Networlding facilitator requires at least five years of either training, facilitation or both, in areas that relate to Networlding, such as leadership training, teambuilding, sales development, etc. People who have become certified facilitators this past year look like LisaKay Smith of Inspiring Purpose, As a facilitator with Networlding in Omaha, Lisa's goal is to bring Networlding to Omaha in a big way in 2009.

Below are the most frequently asked questions we get asked about becoming a certified Networlding facilitator.

What is the process of becoming a facilitator?

We connect you with one of our existing facilitators who will telecoach you (you make the calls from your location) through a five-session process. We take you through the full seven steps of Networlding and also provide you with marketing support in the form of consultations and connections as well as a web template to help you launch your Networlding training and coaching in your community.

The support we give you will help you immediately secure a powerful corporate presence to position you as a thought leader in the area of building value-based networks. Marketing assistance, as we mentioned, includes connections we have such as our affiliations with chambers of commerce, FAST Company, The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) and many other national organizations with whom you can partner to grow your Networlding practice in your community quickly.

The Networlding telecoaching sessions are two-hour sessions that will help you learn how to coach and facilitate Networlding boot camps (one-day sessions) or circles (five two-hour sessions) within or outside corporations in your community.

What are the other benefits of becoming a facilitator?

Once you are certified you will become part of an international network of like-valued experts who want to interconnect their circles to create the largest and most powerful value-based network in the world, within and between organizations. Imagine what is possible then! Executives from all over the world who hold positive, similar and complementary values connecting to create transformational opportunities on a daily basis will become the reality of Networlding. So, if you have people in your circles who want to create strategic alliances, develop new products or grow key account loyalty programs, this network will accelerate connections in nanoseconds! Their results will be your results as you grow your own value-based network of loyal clients.

Additionally, we will connect you with the other facilitators, transformational leaders like you, who will share the Networlding best practices to help you keep current on all the best of Networlding.

What is the investment?

We charge our facilitators $15000 for full certification. This includes the web site template (valued at $2500) for you to customize your Networlding offering and add in information on you as a certified facilitator.

You will also be given asked to pay 20% of the dollars you make in Networlding on a quarterly basis. As trust and integrity are our organization's top two values, we will provide the dates you will make quarterly payments and will be responsible for making those payments.

How does Networlding work financially?

Networlding is an open-book company. We are also a socially responsible business. This means that we care about using our values daily to support our employees, our community and all of our stakeholders. We believe you can "do well by doing good." As such we are committed to taking the dollars we make and limiting our incomes to no more than $250,000 a year (no we do not make that yet!) The remainder of our dollars (after expenses) will go into a fund to help other socially responsible startups grow and prosper. To this end we will provide them with both dollars and advisory teams (complementary teams of experts who will get paid) to help them develop viable businesses that serve their communities. Our vision is that if we teach and provide support for these organizations, they will provide an endless stream of transformational opportunities for themselves, their employees and their communities.

For more information to inquire about qualifying as a certified facilitator email us today at or you can contact us at: 312-421-4213.

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